Warm welcome in our mountainlovers Hotel*** SeidlAlm!
Dear guests, dear Mountainlovers!
A warm "Grüß Gott" with us at the SeidlAlm, the highest hotel in the beautiful Saalbach-Hinterglemm.
We are really pleased that you want to spend your vacation with us
and promise you that we will do everything possible
that you will leave us with wonderful memories.
The important thing now is that you can fully enjoy your time with us up here on the mountains and that you leave all the worries and problems of the last time a little behind. Here, the SeidlAlm as the highest mountain hotel in Saalbach, is probably the absolute right place for it.
Of course, certain things are for a mountain hotel, which is located at 1800 meters,
not as easy as for a normal hotel in the valley. We are exposed to the forces of nature here, but that is exactly what makes our mountain hotel so charming. And when you are out in the morning, perhaps already at 8:30 a.m. as a hiker on the peaks, while the other guests of the valley first have to work their way up the mountain, you will feel how nice it is to be so closely connected with nature and the mountains up here at 2000 meters above sea level.
Once again, welcome to our SeidlAlm!

Yours Walter Pföhs
Dear guests, dear Mountainlovers!
Let me briefly introduce myself, my name is Figo Yavsan and I am your host during your stay at our beautiful SeidlAlm.
Mountainlovers - this word is significant - also for me.
I actually grew up in Hamburg and therefore I am a real "Hamburger Jung".
However, life took me to the mountains here in Austria a few years ago and since then I have taken the mountains firmly into my heart.
I am therefore very happy to be here in this special mountain hotel, the highest here in Saalbach, with all my staff for you.
It is really important to me personally that you find the changes here at the SeidlAlm positive.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions for improvement or if you want to tell me about your positive impressions.
I look forward to getting to know you personally during your stay with us at the Berghotel.
Normally we are all on "DU" in the mountains,
therefore "Griaß eich" with us on the SeidlAlm!

The most important information

Check in 14:30 - 17:00
Check out 08:00 - 10:00
Breakfast 07:30 - 09:30
Dinner 18:30 - 20:30
Schönleiten 11:00 - 17:00
Sauna 16:00 - 20:00
Emergency numbers
Fire department 122
Police 133
Rescue 144
Doctors emergency service 141
Mountain rescue service 140

5 things you should do before you leave....
Das Rezept und die Geschichte hinter den "österreichischen Kaiserschmarrn"
1/8l Milch mit 60g Mehl, etwas Zucker, 20 g zerlassene Butter und Salz glattrühren.
2 Eidotter einrühren. Danach Schnee von 2 Eiern unterheben.
Die Masse fingerdick in eine Pfanne mit Butter und Rosinen eingießen und auf beiden Seiten backen.
Zerkleinern, mit Zucker bestreuen und etwas karamellisieren. Als Beilage empfehlen wir Pflaumenröster oder Apfelmus.
Die Geschichte besagt, dass der österreichische Kaiser Franz Josef I am liebsten Palatschinken - also sehr dünne Pfannkuchen - als Nachtisch aß. Gelang diese Speise aber dem Koch nicht, weil der Palatschinken zu dick oder zerrissen war, wurde sie dem Personal als "Kaiserschmarrn" gereicht. Es wäre ja ein "Schmarrn" (Blödsinn) so etwas dem Kaiser zu servieren.